Psalm 119:32

"I run in the path of your commands,for you have set my heart free."


Week in a list

It's friday, what did I do this week? Let's take a look.

1. Had a nice Easter lunch with some volunteers from the Albergue.

2. Photo shoot with baby Jhon.

3. Learning to crochet.

4. Read part of The Lovely Bones.

5. Hemmed two pairs of jeans.

6. Ate soup.

7. Watched LOST.

 8. Talked to an old friend.

9. Went to visit Kevin at his new albergue (where we proceeded to talk to one another on finger phones).

10. Got a package from my family (included with an 8x10 school pic of Caroline).

11. Wore my old lady glasses.

12. And realized the 4 of us who workout together in the am's look like a legit exercise class!

I think that does it for this week. Man, ya me canse´. Or man, I made my self tired.

Love you all!

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