So to everyone back in the States...I am sorry you are suffering in that cold, snowy stuff, and with bad water while I am in warm sunny Peru enjoying the beach on my weekends off and playing soccer with Peruvian children..it's summer and man am i glad! Hey at least we have the bad water part in common for a while any way!
Yes it is officially summer in the southern hemisphere and I am so glad to get rid of those cold dreary days. When I got back I think I was almost in shock of how warm it was, b/c it was just so cold at home. But I have now gotten used to it and would love for it to never end! Our kids went to summer camp last week, thanks to Twin Lakes Summer Camp who came to Trujillo, Peru to run camp. Thank you so much TLP! We all had a great time and they are still singing camp songs! We have so many volunteers that only 3 could go a day, so that meant most of us only got one day at camp. While we were not at camp we spent our time planning for our summer programs. We all have a tutoria class for 2 hours every morning and then we split up into groups to do different activities until lunch. My summer looks like this: tutoring with Camila, Paul, and Cristina ( we are learning our ABC's and 123's, then I go to games, reading, and art. I have to say it is going to be hard but fun at the same time! We are just about to finish up our first week and I think it is safe to say it has gone pretty smoothly. :)
On another note, I came back to see the garden, let's put it this way...is messy too strong of a word? Well anyway it had not gotten all of the attention it had needed and there were some weeds. But the squash had grown so big! I was just able to pick it last week. The size of a ginormous pumpkin! I wish I could tell you I had gotten my picture with it, but sadly I didn't and I think we are eating it for lunch today. So now we are cultivating the land to plant our summer veggies: corn, green beans, radish (always grow here), lettuce, and tomatoes! Lots of work, but it will be well worth it in a month or two!
I am also thinking about what I am going to do when I get home. Yuck. I really don't want to think about that at all. But July will sadly be here before we know it and it will be time for me to pack my bags and head out. I have started to search online for jobs in Choctaw County area...winner huh? Let me tell you online there are close to none...let's hope there are a few more in the word of mouth are. I am also thinking about Houston, TX and Jackson, MS. I really want a job where I can really continue to use my spanish. If you know of one let me know! I am also thinking of jobs overseas. As much as I miss my family, I love to travel and experience other peoples lives and cultures. I need to start praying about it all, now. Please keep me in your prayers as I start to think about my life after Hogar de Esperanza! :/
Love you all!
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