I started reading Philippians again and I think that just about every time I get something new from it. I just love that about reading and especially the Bible.
"Now I want you to know, brethren, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel," Verse 12 from chapter 1.
Here Paul is talking about his imprisonment, and that through it all good has come. The cause of Christ has become well known throughout the WHOLE praetorian guard (which was preferring to the governor's palace, but also means corrupt). He trusted in the Lord that his fellow believers would have more faith and courage to speak God's truth.
This makes me think about us. Now I know we are not in literal chains like Paul was, but figuratively some of us are. We are bound by the things of this world, or things are crashing down around us and what do we do? Do we stand up for the Lord and preach the gospel, the truth, the light to all of those around us? I think it is safe to say that we are not always doing this.
When Haiti was hit with that awful earthquake last week, my heart hurt. There were all of those people without food, water, homes. What a scary place to be at right now. It really hit home to me when I heard about all the orphanages that are now gone, and those children are back on the streets, right where they started. We had an earthquake a few weeks ago here in Peru. It was farther up north but you could feel the shaking. Thankfully it was only a 5 and no damage was done. But what if it had, what if it was us instead of Haiti? I have been thinking about that lately and an so grateful that God has saved us, protected us. I was talking to Paul, one of the 5 yr olds in my tutoria class, about what happened in Haiti and how awful it was that those kids do not have homes anymore. Now remember, I am talking to a kid who no longer lives with his family, but is here at this orphanage. So as we were talking about it he says,"Tia, maybe we could let those kids come and eat dinner with us, just maybe we can do that." Wow, instead of saying something to the effect of well that stinks or that's sad, he wants to let them eat dinner with us. How I wish they could!
So I guess I am saying that God can and will do something amazing out of the traumatic thing that has happened in Haiti. Like in the Bible with Paul, He used him when he was imprisoned. He uses us when we are struggling and we feel like life is falling apart...or maybe it literally is. He uses us! Thank you Lord for using us and our circumstances to further YOUR kingdom!
Pray for those hurting in Haiti.
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