The sun likes to play games. Weekends are warm and sunny, and it is such a joy to have beautiful days off. This past weekend it was nice most of Saturday, but Sunday it was sooo cold. Monday was warm but the past days have been cold. I am so ready for winter to be over. Funny I am actually listening to The Beatles song "Here comes the sun" right now! Here is comes...I sure hope it comes soon!
This morning was my first day back working with Kevin. He was sick for about a week, and was so excited to be working with me again. Or that was until I told him we would be pulling weeds in the fruit orchard. He did a good job and I helped him a lot. It can get boring just supervising him and telling him to constantly work, so I worked along-side of him. He told me that my spanish is improving greatly. I was thrilled to hear that. Although I cannot say the word hear in spanish. I have a hard time with that one. We talked about a lot. He wants to grow up and live in Moche which is right down the road from where we are. He also wants to work washing dishes and cleaning. Those will be very good jobs for him. I am glad he is thinking about his future and is trying to figure out what he can do and what is best for him. He told me after he saves up money he wants to move to Lima. He has family there I think. He told me about his family. Broke my heart. He said he has 7 brothers and sisters. He said they used to be in other orphanages around Trujillo but now live in Moche with his mother (maybe his aunt). I am not entirely sure about this because he has been here for about 5 years and told me he had only been here 1 year. He also thinks he is leaving to be with his family this December. Many of the kids think that they are leaving soon and end up here for much longer, possibly until they are 18. But nonetheless, it was really good to talk about families and our goals in life. I also asked him why his brothers and sisters where living with family and he was still here. He told me he didn't know why, but that only God knows. We talked about the graciousness of God and who He was and why he does things. He told me he was so thankful for the alburgue because it has been such a good place for him to live and God has blessed it and everyone inside of it so much. WOW!!!! What a testimony! I am seeing him grow up and I have only been here 6 weeks. Amazing!
Pray for Kevin. Pray that he gets a good family, whether his own or an adopted one. Pray that he will continue to learn how to work and think on his own. Pray that he one day will also be able to share his life experiences with those who need and can benefit from it, so that they can grow in God. Pray for me as I work with him. For patience, a loving heart, that we can have more talks about God, and for creativity in our jobs.
Love to you all!
1 walks down the lane:
I loved this!! Kevin has a special place in my heart. . . even if he does break every watch he gets! :)
You are doing such a good job! Keep it up!!
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