Psalm 119:32

"I run in the path of your commands,for you have set my heart free."


Study study study...

I thought after college that I wouldn't be faced with the things of my school days like studying, reading, and memorizing, ever again. Well wow was I wrong! I move down here to Peru and guess what, they speak spanish. Why yes, I have studied for 4 years but was far (still am) from being fluent. So I come here and have been taking spanish classes every friday. I am on the intermediate level! I was thrilled to hear that! So I have to study a lot for that. But in reality, I really don't study nearly enough. They even give us homework. But I will say that it is much less and easier than that which Senora Dieckman gave us in sp 1 and 2. :)
So on top of that, I have been more interested in photography and recently design. I am doing research and constantly trying to find new ways to learn more about these things. I am also looking into home businesses. So if you are one who has started your own home business and have advice let me know! Aside from all of that, we as a group of workers and volunteers are reading a book of the bible every month. AND I am involved in a bible study with the madres on The Purpose Driven LifeA few of us have also decided to start a bible study on Beth Moore's Living Beyond Yourself. So I have a lot to study. I really hope I am not taking on too much with all of these bible studies and spanish class, mixed in with my normal schedule (which surprisingly has calmed down a bunch!). I pray that God will open my heart to hear his words and live my life in a manner that he wants me to. I do hope I can be faithful to these things, because I know it is so important to be in his word and get to know him more. Pray for a renewed strength!

-I am just starting The Purpose Driven Life and already have found some amazing things to live by. Check it out. Paul's secret to spreading the gospel...he was FOCUSED! No one can serve two masters (be it a person or possesions). "The greatest tragedy is not death, but life without purpose." And well-formed love banishes fear! I am excited to find out more and to enforce what I already know, so that I too may live my life with a Christ-like purpose!

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