*snail mail
My summer has been filled with trails and hardships (James 1:2-6), but I have managed to pull out and see the good times. The time that Jhonatan sat with me outside and we read books one afternoon. Skipping rope with the kids at night before dinner..."tia, i had no clue you could skip rope! How are you doing this?" Well let me tell you I have 23 yrs and I too as I child skipped rope. They where amazed! Lying at the beach with the other volunteers on weekends, being in the Luces house one night when the lights were out and we sang songs, played games and read in the candle light, Valentines day lunch at the secretary Carmen's house, Josue (14yrs) helping me voluntarily in the garden! HA! These are just a few moments...

*skipping rope


Going to Patty and Alleen's apt on weekdays, but mainly weekends to cook, hangout or watch our favorite tv shows on itunes! Like gLee! Love it! But I love spending time with them. Last night I was at their place for dinner with the interns of Peru Mission and after dinner Patty and I were looking at way old pictures and what laughs we got! It was so much fun! We also watched Planet Earth, which is her new favorite thing to do. We watched fresh waters and it was beautiful! You must watch it! I did fall asleep at the end, but only because I had a busy weekend and was way tired. But it is just so delightfully wonderfull that my very best friend is here in Trujillo with me! I am truly blessed!

*best friends
I just read The Kite Runner. It is not for those with a weak stomach or a weary heart. But it touched my heart and I have a whole new feeling towards family and what you mean to those you coame in contact with, but most importantly the things you are too scared to do, but you should...man up and do them! Wouldn't you like to see how life really should be and not think about how things would have turned out if you would have done something different?

Think about life and what is important to you and do it!
I also have ZERO dirrection for my life after Peru and I am excited about that, oddly enough.
I also have ZERO dirrection for my life after Peru and I am excited about that, oddly enough.
ps. quote of the week...someone at dinner asks about cheerleading, "why did you lift weights?" Patty responds, "so we could pick up girls." Gracias gracias Patty Kinsey! HILARIOUS!
Love y'all!
*just a few fvorites
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