Mmmmm...and then add a good book or a drawing and some hot cocoa, it doesn't matter what continent you are on, you still get that tingly warm feeling from your toenails to the tips of your hair!
Almost like the world is yours. Your own little musical, dancing, snow falling, Christmas caroling, twinkling lights, crisp evenings, sail boating, pumpkin carving, cookie baking, adventure going world! What a quaint little world!
I really wanted to talk about the micros here. But I do feel like it was necessary to share with you my love for classic music.
Ok so micros. You are probably wondering, "What is a micro? How big is a thing like this? Can I purchase one? Do they go in your yard?" Well I am glad to say that I can answer all of those questions and many more just for you! A micro is a bus that runs throughout the city. There are many different ones for each different part of Trujillo, so you can find the place you want to go. They have the name of their destination on them so you can be sure to get to the right place. But before you decide to hop on a micro you have to think, "which letter should I take to my destination, there are several different ones". Well that just means you have to ask someone who knows about each letter so that you can for example take the Salaverry C micro to get to Larco or Espana. These buses vary in sizes. Some are tiny and you have to duck your head when you are standing up on them. Some are so big you can have a party on them (we did one day too). No, I do not think you can purchase one. They are bad for the environment too so I would really recommend you do not get one. Well I do imagine that a old broken down micro could go in your yard, but may turn into a new home for someone or something.
So I would think that it is more than ok to say that I have had quite the adventures on the micros. I think just about every time I am on one I have some interesting story to take with me. I have gotten a lot of telephone numbers. Now only one out of these few has been a guy. That was quite the story in itself. The numbers have been from women living in Moche or Salaverry who think it is just wonderful that I am volunteering at the alburgue and they would just love for me to come and visit them. I have not taken them up on these offers yet, but I think it would be interesting if I did. I do not know what it is but I sit down and the person next to me just strikes up a conversation about anything and everything. Helps my Spanish that is for sure! One day I had my arms full of fruit and hopped on a very crowded micro. This young man jumped out of his seat and kindly gave it to me. I sat down and then he proceeded to talk to me. Asked me where I was from and what was I doing in Peru, blah, blah, blah...and then I looked around and saw some of the girls from the alburgue sitting in the back laughing at me! I looked miserable, Nick wouldn't shut up and then he paid my fare . Oh dear. So I would try to end the conversation and just enjoy the rest of my ride home but I couldn't. He asked me for my number and I promise you he did not understand that I did not have one and that I was not interested. So when we got off the bus to walk to the door the girls decided to ask 2 questions and thought it was so funny that a guy was talking to me. So another time I was riding on a micro one morning and a few of the workers from the alburgue got on and were headed to work. That was neat we got to talk on the way. And then another time I was riding and we past one of my friends and she saw me and we got excited and waved like crazy. Last night I stayed with Patty in town and so this morning I caught a micro home and I have to say morning rides are the most interesting of all. You always think it will be a none crowded one but you pick up people who are on their way to work. You see all kinds of people. Guys who work at factories, gas stations, kids on the way to school, old women with their bread to sell. I saw a man with tons of milk in buckets this morning. There was a woman with 3 children, one was being breast fed one the bus! Man the things that happen on a micro! Oh and I forgot to mention the best part of them...they only cost about 1 sole 50. So round trip you spend a dollar. Amazing!
*We just got a new baby the other day. We named him Daniel. Pray that he will adjust and be adopted soon!!
Love to you all.
Ok so micros. You are probably wondering, "What is a micro? How big is a thing like this? Can I purchase one? Do they go in your yard?" Well I am glad to say that I can answer all of those questions and many more just for you! A micro is a bus that runs throughout the city. There are many different ones for each different part of Trujillo, so you can find the place you want to go. They have the name of their destination on them so you can be sure to get to the right place. But before you decide to hop on a micro you have to think, "which letter should I take to my destination, there are several different ones". Well that just means you have to ask someone who knows about each letter so that you can for example take the Salaverry C micro to get to Larco or Espana. These buses vary in sizes. Some are tiny and you have to duck your head when you are standing up on them. Some are so big you can have a party on them (we did one day too). No, I do not think you can purchase one. They are bad for the environment too so I would really recommend you do not get one. Well I do imagine that a old broken down micro could go in your yard, but may turn into a new home for someone or something.
So I would think that it is more than ok to say that I have had quite the adventures on the micros. I think just about every time I am on one I have some interesting story to take with me. I have gotten a lot of telephone numbers. Now only one out of these few has been a guy. That was quite the story in itself. The numbers have been from women living in Moche or Salaverry who think it is just wonderful that I am volunteering at the alburgue and they would just love for me to come and visit them. I have not taken them up on these offers yet, but I think it would be interesting if I did. I do not know what it is but I sit down and the person next to me just strikes up a conversation about anything and everything. Helps my Spanish that is for sure! One day I had my arms full of fruit and hopped on a very crowded micro. This young man jumped out of his seat and kindly gave it to me. I sat down and then he proceeded to talk to me. Asked me where I was from and what was I doing in Peru, blah, blah, blah...and then I looked around and saw some of the girls from the alburgue sitting in the back laughing at me! I looked miserable, Nick wouldn't shut up and then he paid my fare . Oh dear. So I would try to end the conversation and just enjoy the rest of my ride home but I couldn't. He asked me for my number and I promise you he did not understand that I did not have one and that I was not interested. So when we got off the bus to walk to the door the girls decided to ask 2 questions and thought it was so funny that a guy was talking to me. So another time I was riding on a micro one morning and a few of the workers from the alburgue got on and were headed to work. That was neat we got to talk on the way. And then another time I was riding and we past one of my friends and she saw me and we got excited and waved like crazy. Last night I stayed with Patty in town and so this morning I caught a micro home and I have to say morning rides are the most interesting of all. You always think it will be a none crowded one but you pick up people who are on their way to work. You see all kinds of people. Guys who work at factories, gas stations, kids on the way to school, old women with their bread to sell. I saw a man with tons of milk in buckets this morning. There was a woman with 3 children, one was being breast fed one the bus! Man the things that happen on a micro! Oh and I forgot to mention the best part of them...they only cost about 1 sole 50. So round trip you spend a dollar. Amazing!
*We just got a new baby the other day. We named him Daniel. Pray that he will adjust and be adopted soon!!
Love to you all.
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