
Ephesians 4:22-24
You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
Trujillo and most of the area around the coastline is very dirty. The people are very clean and keep their houses and things clean, but this part of the country itself is sandy and dirty. There isn't much grass. By the end of the day we are very sandy and our feet are usually black. The other day after playing outside with some friends I had sand in my hair, up my nose, in my ears, just everywhere! I couldn't just use a baby wipe and clean myself, I had to shower to become completely clean. We can look at our lives in sin that way. Sometimes it seems easier to pray a quick prayer to clean ourselves from our sins or change one or two things in our lives, but is it sincere? Or are we just doing it to make us feel better? Are we really becoming clean? I mean totally clean. We need to emerse ourselves into HIS arms, cry out to Christ and let Him know that we need Him to clean us. We cannot clean ourselves. We have to become clean in order to put on a new self. A clean self. I think I can look at the dirt from playing and the dirt from gardening as sin and at the end of the day I have to become clean, so instead of changing just clothes I have to become completely clean in Christ take off the old and be washed and put on the new.
The newness and excitment of being here is starting to wear off and I am tired some days from work, translating spanish all day, and the kids can be a handfull. Please pray that each morning will be a new morning in my eyes and I will look to Christ for help and not myself. Love to you all!
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Walk in the grass