Monday was a day of new beginnings. It started out like any ole normal Monday, but by lunch that all changed. We have a little boy here that is in the process of getting adopted and his family was coming soon. They would tell us," oh it should be just another 2 or 3 weeks." But the summer came and went and no parents. So Monday before lunch I was hanging laundry on the roof and heard people's voices speaking in english. Not that is too odd because we the volunteers speak english, but I didn't recognize these voices. I looked down and our little boy was playing with a family. They had come! They were trying to talk to him (the mom knows a little spanish) and he was so excited about telling them about his friends and school here. He has a brother and 2 sisters and the 4 of them took off and had a great time playing. He left 30 min after. We are having his going away party tomorrow and they head to Lima in a week or so, then to the states. I am so excited for him and his new family and life! He is going to be so blessed, but at the same time the reality of it all is going to set in. Our kids have unusual expectations on adoptions and American families. They think that they will live in this mansion with gold and get all the ipods and teles they can ever think of getting. True they may all get ipods being that the entire country has iphones now....man I am going to be waaay behind when I get home. But anyway, he will have such a better life there than here. But it is still wierd to think that these ppl who have never spent more than 30 minuties with him, just took him away, when we have spent months getting to know him.
We also got a little kitten! He is black and his name is Simon. The kids say we have the same kind of eyes...don't worry they are the pretty blue kind. ;) So we have Simon to eat/kill the rats. Eww I know! I saw the other day and about jumped out of my pants...it was a soo big and gross. So I hope little Simon makes it here. We all love him and he is just as cute and friendly as can be! (even our dog Tracy doesn't mind him).

I have made a new friend. His name is Jhon, and is 2 yrs old. We have just about hte same color skin and he occasionally calls me "momma", which is rather wierd. We do everything together in the afternoons. In my new job at 4pm I go to the Amigos casa and do laundry, ect...and I walk in and Jhon shouts out, "Sana! Sana! YO, YO, YO!!!" (translates Susanna, Susanna! I, I , I) Which means that he wants to come help me do laundry or whatever job there is to do that day. I thoroughly enjoy his company. He holds the laundry room key for me, hands me clothes to hang up to dry, and laughs with me. We also like to read and play on the playground. He is just the cutest little thing (yes cuter than Simon) and I LOVE I mean LOVE his laughs. They are so sweet :)
Love you all!
*pics thanks to my new friend Jen! (she is the new kinder teacher)